Franziska Nast

Infotext X Work

Batman an der kurzen Leine


laser/copy-prints, repapered on rice-paper
250 × 238,5 cm

installationview, Arpmuseum Rolandseck, Die Eroberung der Wand - Nazarenerfresken im Blick der Gegenwart, 2012

The "Motif Sheets" (Motivtafeln), a growing archive of motifs in the form of large-format paper elements, which have been created since the beginning of 2010, play a central role in my artistic process.
In the past I had the opportunity to show those works at very different locations (e.g., main stage of the Staatstheater Braunschweig, Fishing hall (Fischhallen) in Cuxhaven, Halle Zehn, Cologne), in group exhibitions and in various in different contexts and to deal with their combination and their relation to the space.
I try to create different spatial atmospheres, for example in form of a »walk-in book«, or a labyrinth situation in the sense of Alice in Wonderland.