Never Say Ever
Orangery of the Catholic Church, Nida, Lithuania
Never Say Ever, Goethe-Institut Litauen
Kurzfilm, Nast im Residenzprogramm des Goethe-Instituts auf der Kurischen Nehrung
In her work - excerpts from an archive of posters created on site - for the Orangery of the Catholic Church in Nida, Franziska Nast (currently a resident scholar of the Goethe-Institut Lithuania/Nida-Art-Colony) traces her own stations of her two-month stay in the colony.
The stories, which are created in a graphic/photographic manner, are based on fictional, documentary, biographical and sometimes banal facts, are multi-layered associations and do not distinguish between public and private experiences. For her paper elements, Franziska Nast uses both her own and found visual material, which she combines with quotations and self-penned texts, so that a dialogical staging develops through the interweaving of the elements.
Combined with an arrangement of potted plants, which may be left in the Orangery by the inhabitants of Nida when they have grown too large for private living space.
Before funerals, the orangery is used to temporarily store the body.