- 2018 seven hundred sixty-nine wanna do’s
- 2012 NEVER SAY EVER – artist poster book
- 2009 Artist book – Kunstverein St. Pauli
- 2014 always see your face
- 2014 Fruits de la rage
- 2013 Oh Douleur – Artist book
- 2019 Tropic Touch – artist book
- Related Work Next Project
Montag versuchen, wenn nicht, dann Dienstag – artist book
(Try Monday, if not, Tuesday)
Axel Loytved & Franziska Nast
12-14 contemporary, Schleifmühlgasse, Vienna
Künstlerpublikation / Artist book
Broschüre mit Drahtheftung, DIN A5, 52-seitig
gedruckt auf 135g/m Recyclingpapier weiß, Blauer Engel, FSC / Brochure with wire stitching, DIN A5, 52 pages
printed on 135g/m recycled paper white, Blue Angel, FSC
An einem Wochenende im August 2021 produziert das Handy von Axel Loytved siebzehn Aufnahmen in dessen Hosentasche. Er befindet sich zu diesem Zeitpunkt mit Franziska Nast in Wien, um Texte zu sammeln – Gespräche und Satzfetzen, die ihnen während der Reise in die Schleifmühlgasse und durch die umliegenden Straßen, Haltestellen und Cafés begegnen.
Franziska Nast hat den Grundriss der Galerie in seine Einzelteile zerlegt, um freigestellte Fragmente in der Publikation zu verteilen und als Tätowiervorlagen zu benutzen.
On a weekend in August 2021, Axel Loytved´s mobile phone produced seventeen recordings in his pocket. He was in Vienna at that time with Franziska Nast to collect texts – conversations and snatches of sentences they encountered during their journey to Schleifmühlgasse and through the surrounding streets, stops and cafés. Franziska Nast has deconstructed the floor plan of the gallery into its individual parts in order to use the elements as templates for tattoos. These will be stitched in the exhibition spaces during the showtime from 7 to 14 October 2021.Tattooing by appointment. A bottle crate seems to have been put down at random. Whereby every single one of the returnable bottles has been deformed and now doesn’t quite want to fit into the grid of the crate.
The exhibition is accompanied by an artist’s publication with the same title. It is being published to coincide with the opening of the exhibition and was realised with the kind support of the Federal Ministry of Art, Culture, Public Service and Sport, the Province of Styria (Culture, Europe, Sport) and the Hamburg Department of Culture and Media.
Fotos: Marcel Stammen