Franziska Nast

Infotext X Work

»Für immer und Dich«

Künstlerinnen-Urne / artist urn

Kork, Dispersionsfarbe, Tätowiertinte /  cardboard, cork, emulsion paint, tattoo ink, 32,5 cm, ø 24 cm

We also exhibit two urns in the show that you have given an artistic form. They were created in connection with the urn project »Finale Form« for the series »DeathLab« by the Berlin artists Karen Winzer and Mirko Winkel. What prompted you to artistically address this ritual of burial and the associated culture of death and commemoration?

The project originally comes from the art context and was brought into being by two artists, whom you have already named. At the same time, it is also a business idea to offer individual urns, because cremation is becoming more and more common, after all, burial spaces are becoming more and more expensive – that’s a huge issue. For this project, various artists were invited to model an urn. There are, of course, certain guidelines. My urn is from the ›Life‹ edition, which is an urn that you can get modelled for yourself even if you are a non-deceased person. It is tattooed and the material here is cork. You know, the urn has to decompose after a certain time in the earth.

Photo: Mick Vincenz